Freedom and Space: Conflict or Convergnece? By Adrian Lam, Common Core Student Ambassador Abstract: The fieldnote reports the dynamic interplay between freedom and space in our repetitive and [...]
Youth in a global world: attitudes towards globalization and global citizenship among university students in Hong Kong Wing Hong Chui and Elliot W.Y. Leung Department of Social Work and Social [...]
港大核心課 學分大增三倍 鼓勵各學系師生交流 Sing Tao Daily About: The article discusses the significance of the Common Core course and how the courses can foster valuable learning experience. 本部大樓保留教學用途 Sing [...]
Centennial milestone for HKU Luisa Tam About: The article highlights the impact of the Common Core courses which are broadening students’ knowledge, developing their analytical skills and [...]